Monday, May 24, 2021

dragon world

 Once upon a time a girl went to a forest and she was so scared but she was strong but she saw strong  dranden and she ran away and she yalde for her mum but her mum didn't answer her . She found her mum on the grone and she called an ambulance but the ambulance said she died because she is pregnant. But she said that my dad died  from a gunshot. The ambulance  was very sad for her but the poles fawad out that she has no body to stay with her so she lived with a poles but she said I don't want to stay with you because it wall by too much and your child will not be kind to me.

But the poles said to her that it by fen. My codes can be themselves  because when my friend came they said hi are you my dad's friend. But my friend said yes I am. I am his best friend. But she changed her mind that she would go with her.

She was so happy that the poles is so right that his cides are kind to her and she got to call the poles mum. She beyd enethenges  for her. She got to bey staf for her child. But her child wanted to bey olot over toys. Her mum said to bey it so thay can be so cwhie so thay can not  3rq 2